Over the last few years we have all become very accustomed to using QR Codes and many businesses have jumped on board to use them for marketing, advertising, product management and hospitality to name a few.

What is a QR Code?

A QR Code is mostly used as a redirection process but can also store small amounts of information. So as a redirection service you simply enter a web address where you want the person to go once they scan the QR Code either with their phone camera or a free app. You can use both a dynamic and static QR Code for this process.

The second use is to store some basic information like business details in a Vcard. When people scan  it they can add your details directly into their contacts when scanned. This information once entered cannot be changed.

What are Static QR codes used for?

As they can store different types of information, QR codes are commonly used for holding data such as:

  • Simple text – welcome messages at conferences
  • Addresses – personal home address, business address
  • Phone numbers – personal telephone number, your company’s phone number
  • E-mail addresses – personal or business accounts
  • URLs – addresses of websites or specific web pages
  • Links to apps – found in app stores such as Google Play or Apple’s App Store
  • Payments – QR codes can store information about your bank account or credit card
  • Online accounts authentication – websites can display a QR code which a registered user can scan with his or her smartphone and automatically log in
  • WiFi authentication – QR codes can be used to store WiFi networks authentication details such as SSID, password, and encryption type: when you scan such a QR code using your smartphone, it can automatically join that network
  • 2-step verification passkeys – used during the configuration of two-step authentication security by various websites and applications
  • Other various uses – Zoom Meeting info, PayPal, Bitcoin transfers, Skype What’s App info and many more.

A static QR Code is usually Free and does not have an expiration date. It is very important to test your QR Code when creating new ones to make sure the information has been entered correctly. You can use our Free Static QR Code Generator Here

A Dynamic QR Code

The big difference is that a Dynamic QR Code is filtered through a data base and is mainly used for URLs to websites, social media etc because it can be tracked etc.

Dynamic QR codes are smaller because all the information isn’t encoded in the QR code itself. The only thing encoded is a redirect URL. That means the QR code can be smaller, simpler, and less dense.

Dynamic QR codes also have the ability to be updated and track usage data. That makes them ideal for most business and marketing operations—hospitality being one of the most glaringly obvious candidates that benefit from their usage.


Dynamic QR Code Fees

Because the Dynamic QR Code is pushed through a data base there is usually a fee attached to it. This can vary from a few dollars to many hundreds depending on the provider. Here at QR Codes Australia our fees can be paid on a Monthly and Yearly payment system. Below is an example of some of our fees or we can customize for you.

Each QR Code is listed as a campaigns and you can create sub accounts for different departments etc. Get you Dynamic QR Codes Here